NephroShotz Book 1: High Yield Nephrology for the Renal Specialty Certificate Exam (English Edition) Versión Kindle
descargar NephroShotz Book 1: High Yield Nephrology for the Renal Specialty Certificate Exam (English Edition) Versión Kindle John Booth descarga de libros electrónicos - Descarga este hermoso libro de NephroShotz Book 1: High Yield Nephrology for the Renal Specialty Certificate Exam (English Edition) Versión Kindle y léelo más tarde. ¿Tienes curiosidad por saber quién escribió este gran libro? Sí, John Booth es el autor de NephroShotz Book 1: High Yield Nephrology for the Renal Specialty Certificate Exam (English Edition) Versión Kindle. Este libro consta de varias páginas 186 páginas. es la empresa que publica NephroShotz Book 1: High Yield Nephrology for the Renal Specialty Certificate Exam (English Edition) Versión Kindle al público. es la primera fecha de lanzamiento. Lea el NephroShotz Book 1: High Yield Nephrology for the Renal Specialty Certificate Exam (English Edition) Versión Kindle ahora, es el tema más interesante. Sin embargo, si no tienes mucho tiempo para leer, puedes descargar NephroShotz Book 1: High Yield Nephrology for the Renal Specialty Certificate Exam (English Edition) Versión Kindle en tu dispositivo y verlo más tarde.
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NephroShotz Book 1: High Yield Nephrology for the Renal Specialty Certificate Exam (English Edition) Versión Kindle - NephroShotz is a new series of Renal Medicine titles created with the ambition of providing a dedicated and comprehensive learning tool for the MRCP's Renal Specialty Certificate exam (recently rebranded as the European Specialty Examination in Nephrology, ESENeph). Each book or ‘shot’ will cover a cluster of related topics amounting to a ‘manageable chunk’ of the renal curriculum, with information presented in a logical yet engaging and conversational style.Each chapter is built around an MRCP-style best-of-five problem, with detailed answers and explanations wrapped around the text, helping to integrate and consolidate knowledge. The book's focus is unashamedly maintained on drawing together key mechanisms of disease, pivotal clinical trials and contemporary consensus guidelines to provide 'high-yield' knowledge which is both 'testable' by the exam and informs high quality day-to-day nephrology practice.Topics covered in Book 1 include:- Minimal change Nephropathy- Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)- Immunosuppressive drugs- Membranous Nephropathy- Nephrotic syndrome Complications- Haematuria work-up- Proteinuria work-up- Diabetic nephropathyNephroShotz is authored by London-based NHS Consultant Nephrologist Dr John Booth - also known on Twitter as @thepeanutkidney. Look out for books 2 and 3 later in 2020!
de John Booth
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